Grand Classic Prototypes


The two Grand Classic prototypes. The bare PCB is v1.0 and has lots of strapped on parts as I was experimenting plus is quite noisy when it works. The boxed one is near-enough the final design but also has a similar hand-made PCB. This is the one I took to a bunch of guitar shows to demo and several people wanted to buy off me! Both are being sold at a premium as a collectors item and as ‘functional art’, which is to say they do work, but may stop working at any time due to all the parts and wires hanging off them. I wouldn’t gig them without having a tech check ’em over thoroughly and I do not guarantee they will arrive fully working if posted (though they probably will). I would recommend fitting them in a box frame and hanging on your wall. Naturally I will write out, sign and include a certificate of authenticity.

Condition: Collectors item, functional art

1 in stock

Grand Classic Prototypes