F258 Drive


This is a simple diode clipper distortion with asymmetric germanium diodes if you press ‘vintage’. It has quite a decent drive/dirt sound and was the last of the pedals I made with off-board wiring to all the jacks and switches. The name comes from a blend of 250 and 808 along with the letter F for Fast because I like fast cars and the whole thing is a play on ‘drive’ but doesn’t really relate to the circuit much. The logo is a drawing of the back of my E36 BMW 3 series Sport just because I very much liked that car at the time.

Really, this is a landmark pedal for me. It’s the point at which I decided to really start taking things seriously. I had come to realise I hated the off-board wiring, that random names were silly, that I was frustrated with not being able to print cool imagery onto pedals easily, that I needed to get away from ridiculously long build times if I wanted to go pro, and that I badly wanted to do something different. After this pedal, which I only ever made maybe 5 or 6 of I think, I took a big step back and thought hard about what I wanted to be known for as a designer and changed my style a lot. (And the result was the Tone Lord)

Low price because even though I think it works I don’t have time to test it right now. Selling as collectors item / art.

Condition: Collectors item, no guarantee of functionality

1 in stock

F258 Drive